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Championing sustainability

We are dedicated to reducing our environmental impact and supporting our clients and suppliers to do the same. We know that if we work together, we can make a real difference. Our ISO14001 accreditation means that PageOne customers can be assured of our commitment to climate change.

ISO14001 Accredited

The ISO14001 framework provides organisations with a systematic approach to environmental management, to proactively identify and understand the environmental aspects of its activities, products and services and associated environmental impacts, how it complies with environmental regulations and laws, and how it can respond to changing environmental conditions. PageOne’s ISO14001 certificate is available here.

PageOne Sustainable Technology
Net Zero

Carbon Reduction Plan

In accordance with PPN 06/21 PageOne is required to publish Carbon Reduction Plans (CRP) in the required format when bidding for public sector contracts in scope of the PPN.  PageOne’s CRP is available here

PageOne, has committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2035.

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